8 reasons to eat watermelon this summer and 13 ways to prepare

Watermelon is the fruit of summer. Or at least one of them. There is more to see search results from Google Images words Summer Fruits and take account of their relevance. The red watermelon is everywhere.

This fruit begins its season enter the months of March and April, when it begins to make an appearance in supermarkets, and lasts until September, although arguably his quintessential month is July. So much so that in the US, the USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) has declared the National Watermelon Month.

Come on, this is the best time to enjoy this fruit. Especially since find wherever we go - Spain is a major world producers, along with Turkey, Italy, Greece and China, because it is full of qualities and because it offers multiple forms of preparation. Sobran reason to eat it, but if you have not yet clear, here we explain why and how.

8 reasons to eat

    • Low in calories. "It is the fruit with more water so its nutritional value is very low," says Vanessa Leon, member of the press committee of the Association of Nutritionists-Dietitians of Madrid (ADDINMA). One serving (about 200 grams) contains 50 to 60 calories, "so it can be included in diets". The same amount of melon provides 68 calories and if we talk about other fruits like apple, the figure rises to 104 kcal.

    • Natural diuretic. Its high content of water - up to 92 of its composition is the element-liquid watermelon makes it an excellent natural diuretic.

    • Hydration against evil spirits. Thanks to the high water content, is "perfect for hydration of the body during the summer fruit," says Leon. This makes it a perfect tool to prevent the side effects of dehydration, which are particularly striking in the case of young women. According to The Journal of Nutrition, it can cause headaches, lack of concentration, fatigue and moodiness.

    • Viagra poor. So he called him in 2008 when researchers at the University of Texas found that its high content of citrulline you provided a viagra effect. This component "increases the synthesis of arginine, an amino acid that enhances nitric oxide production by the body, which results in better blood flow" continues Leon.

    • Against muscle pain. Scientists from the School of Agricultural Engineering (ETSIA) Cartagena (Murcia) concluded in 2012 that the watermelon juice helped reduce muscle soreness at 24 hours of intense sports activity, hence it is advisable to consume before play sport. The reason for this is again a high content of citrulline, located mainly in the cortex.

    • Prevents hypertension and cardiovascular problems. This is also due to its high content of citrulline, which has the ability to produce a relaxation of the capillaries and the same glasses to help improve erectile dysfunction produces benefits for the heart and circulatory system.

    • Protects cells. The lipoceno, responsible for giving the characteristic red color and is found in greater proportion than in tomatoes, acts as a powerful antioxidant component. "This component is able to protect cells from premature aging caused by oxidative stress, one of the leaders of cardiovascular and degenerative diseases" qualifies nutritionist Vanessa Leon. From The Huffington Post added that "it can help fight heart disease and some cancers."

                10 Benefits of Watermelon, 5 good reasons to eat watermelon, 5 reasons to eating watermelon, 7 Secrets of the benefits of eating watermelon, Benefits Of Eating Watermelon,
              • Rich in vitamin C and A. If 92% of watermelon is water, the rest is made up of vitamins and minerals. Among these are the presence of vitamin C and A. According to the USDA, contributes 20% of the daily intake of vitamin C (essential to increase our natural defense and necessary for collagen production) and 17% of vitamin A, necessary for the proper maintenance of skin and mucous membranes.

              13 ways to prepare

              We used to eat watermelon for dessert. The ration of rigor, about 200 grams, and ready. However watermelon is much more than a fruit. There are many ways to prepare. From a gazpacho or cold soup to salad or cake form. Here are 13 possibilities:

              The second version is very skilled. Because it needs less than 30 seconds to have the perfectly cut and peeled slices. Here's a video that explains how:

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              What is good to eat watermelon?

              Although it might seem, watermelon is a nutrient-dense food that gives us a lot of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants for a low amount of calories. With the arrival of summer, watermelon becomes a vital ally thanks to its sweet taste because it is one of the most refreshing fruits in the world. Not surprisingly, is composed by 92% water and it benefits us in all these fields:

              Asthma Prevention: Risks for developing asthma are lower in people who consume a large amount of certain nutrients. One such nutrient is vitamin C, found in many fruits and vegetables, including watermelon.

              Blood Pressure: The watermelon extract supplements reduce blood pressure in the ankle brachial blood pressure in middle-aged adults with obesity with prehypertension or stage 1 hypertension.

              What is good to eat watermelon?, 10 Benefits of Watermelon, 5 good reasons to eat watermelon, 5 reasons to eating watermelon,
              What is good to eat watermelon?
              Cancer: As an excellent source of antioxidants vitamin C and other, watermelon can help combat the formation of free radicals that can cause cancer.

              Digestion and regularity: Watermelon, due to its high water content and fiber helps prevent constipation and promotes regularity of a healthy digestive system.

              Hydration: Being composed by 92% water and full of important electrolytes, watermelon is a great ally to have on hand during the hottest months months to avoid dehydration.

              Muscle pain: The watermelon and watermelon juice have shown help reduce muscle soreness and improve recovery time of athletes after exercise.

              Skin: Watermelon is also great for the skin because it contains vitamin A, a necessary for the production of sebum that keeps hair hydrated nutrient. Vitamin A is also necessary for the growth of all body tissues, including the skin and hair.
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              7 Secrets of the benefits of eating watermelon

              Meet each of its properties, you may not know this fruit.

              Would you muscles ache? Maybe you should take some juice.
              Do you feel tired, weak, limp, or sore after physical exertion? You'll watermelon juice! A team of scientists from the School of Agricultural Engineering of Cartagena in Spain, created a functional watermelon juice can reduce muscle soreness 24 hours after exercising intensively. The product is a pioneer in Europe and has seen that also has numerous beneficial effects on health:
              7 Secrets of the benefits of eating watermelon, 10 Benefits of Watermelon, benefits of eating watermelon during pregnancy, Eating,
              7 Secrets of the benefits of eating watermelon

              1. It contains large doses of L-citrulline, a substance that produces relaxation of the blood vessels. In the body, is metabolized in an amino acid called arginine has beneficial effects on the heart, circulatory system, hypertension and immune system.

              2. The L-citrulline also helps expel ammonia liver and is important in the urea cycle, which occurs in this organ from the combination of ammonia, carbon dioxide and ornithine element. Once the process is finished, is expelled from the liver and carries ammonia.

              3. It also has an important role in muscle fatigue. When practicing sport or physical stress felt in the muscles increase lactic acid and ammonia. Then acts L-citrulline, which eliminates the factors that cause muscle fatigue and muscle again prepares for energy production. So, take this juice after intense physical activity is a fast, natural way to combat muscle fatigue.

              4. It has positive effects to alleviate fatigue and exhaustion caused by periods of great physical effort and stress.

              5. The effects of L-citrulline in vasodilation help a healthy sex life, since it promotes and improves blood flow to all parts of the body and relaxes blood vessels, so that treats erectile dysfunction.

              6. It also contains lycopene, a bioactive compound having protective effects against certain cancers and cardiovascular diseases. There is also evidence that prevents syndrome macular degeneration, which is the leading cause of blindness in the elderly.

              7. The lycopene in watermelon juice also has anti-aging effects.
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              5 reasons to eating watermelon

              Relieves muscle aches
              According to a new study in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, drinking watermelon juice before a hard workout helps reduce heart rate of athletes and muscle pain the next day.

              The reason is that watermelon is rich in an amino acid called L-citrulline, which the body converts L-arginine, an essential amino acid that helps relax blood vessels and improve circulation.

              Good for heart health
              According to a study published by the physiologist at the University of Florida Arturo Figueroa, Postmenopausal women have better cardiovascular health after taking supplements watermelon extract for 6 weeks.
              5 reasons to eating watermelon, 10 Benefits of Watermelon, 5 good reasons to eat watermelon,

              Moreover, in another 2012 study published by Figueroa also confimaba such supplements helped relieve blood pressure in obese middle-aged adults.

              It could be a natural Viagra
              Besides the benefits for the heart seems that also can serve as a natural viagra. It is also true that to achieve the desired effect is necessary to ingest large quantities which can cause other undesirable since Watermelon is considered a good diuretic effects.

              Rich in vitamins and minerals and low in calories
              People often think that watermelon has little nutritional value because 80% of its composition is water. However 300ml (wedge) of watermelon is about a third of the daily amount of vitamins A and C recommended. In addition it also contains some potassium.

              You might even fight cancer
              Watermelon is one of the best dietary sources of lycopene, an antioxidant linked to both prevention and treatment of prostate cancer, although scientists are still investigating the details of that connection.
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              The great benefits of eating watermelon

              Watermelon is that fresh and appetizing delicious crimson fruit, bursting into pleasant sweetness in our mouth. Quite possibly not know its amazing properties, or you do not know that nutrition experts call the watermelon as "the fruit that is good for all" ...

              And of course it is, recent studies have refuted such that is perfect in states of fatigue or weakness, that their contribution is ideal when we muscles ache and even to recover after heavy physical exertion or sport. It is therefore an ideal piece to include in your daily diet is not only good for health, it is refreshing and tasty, hence also to explain all its benefits also we bring you some simple and original recipes.
              The great benefits of eating watermelon, 10 Benefits of Watermelon, Benefits Of Eating Watermelon,

              Nutritional properties of watermelon
              Watermelon is a fruit that contains more water, almost 93%, and it is usual to use it in diets for weight loss. It is appropriate, yes, but has many principles that make it suitable for many more things. Contains vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates ... just checking out this simple example.

              In 100 grams of watermelon will consume the following nutrients:

              • 89 Mg of potassium.
              • 11 Mg magnesium.
              • 4.6 Grams of carbohydrates.
              • 0.5 grams of fiber.
              • 20 5 kcal.
              • Besides folic acid, provitamin A ...

              Watermelon benefits to health
              Heart Benefits.
              Its composition of L-citrulline helps to relax the blood vessels, and not only that, metabolizes arginine, which is very good for the heart and hypertension.

              To relieve muscle fatigue:
              When we make an effort, when we practice sport or just a long day of work, our muscles store lactic acid and ammonia. Watermelon composition rich in L-citrulline, is perfect for muscles to relax and get energy back. It is ideal to take it after making an effort. Moreover, its potassium content strengthens the muscular and nervous system.

              Antioxidant effect:
              Just look at that sexy red watermelon to know that contains high levels of antioxidants, ideal for preventing aging and maintain optimal state our tissues.

              Cleansing properties:
              Its high fiber is ideal for removing toxic elements in our body and cleanse our intestines. Do not let a try.

              To improve sex life.
              It may seem surprising, but watermelon, thanks to its compound L-citrulline, promotes proper blood circulation in all parts of the body, relaxes blood vessels and is ideal for erectile dysfunction.

              Watermelon has several alkaline minerals that make it appropriate for patients with rheumatic problems.

              Laxative effect.
              Could not miss, thanks to its properties and composition enriched with fiber, making it perfect for those moments when we are troubled by the annoying constipation.

              Prevents cancer.
              Thanks to licopoteno, can protect against certain cancers, and other cardiovascular diseases. In fact, many studies support this idea also exist, even prevents blindness in the elderly due to its properties to prevent macular degeneration.

              Watermelon Recipes
              Here are three simple recipes that you can do with watermelon to get your desserts even more attractive. We also point out that if you are diabetic / a is not recommended that you consume because of its high sugar content.

              Watermelon with mint

              • 300 Ml. watermelon juice
              • 8 Thin slices of watermelon
              • 150 Ml. whipping cream
              • 5 Gelatin sheets
              • -mint leaves.


              He starts to whip the cream.
              'Take the watermelon juice and heat a little, not much.
              -Remoja The gelatine leaves in cold water and place them in hot so they will dissolve juice.
              -Pica Mint leaves and mix: cream, watermelon juice and mint jelly.
              Put the liquid into glasses and allow to cool and set. For demolding just put a little heat in the glass to break out in perfect condition. You'll see how you love.

              Watermelon Skewers with white tea and melon

              • 4 On white tea
              • 4 Azucarillos
              • Sandía
              • Melon -¼


              • Preparamos An infusion of white tea for four people and let cool.
              • We cut off into squares into triangles watermelon and cantaloupe. We introduce in the skewer and then brought into the cup of cold tea. Delicious!

              Watermelon soup with orange liqueur

              • 600 Gr. watermelon.
              • Half a melon
              • 9 Strawberries.
              • 5 Raisins large
              • 1 Cup orange liqueur.


              We cut off a melon cubes and sprinkle with a little liquor for then let marinate 20 minutes.
              Put on each skewer stick 2 strawberries, 1 passes to 1 square of melon.
              -Quita Nuggets watermelon and cut into pieces to pass after the blender. When you have listed this soup (or liquefied juice) watermelon, take it after half an hour to the fridge to make it cooler.
              -Finally, Served in cups watermelon juice with skewers of melon and strawberries. Simply delicious and healthy.
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